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Your Ticket to Ride is Coming!

Are you ready to get a ticket to ride the 3C&D Rail Corridor? Convenient, smooth, fast passenger train service from Cleveland to Cincinnati, via Columbus and Dayton? Right now, we have our best opportunity in half a century to make it happen.

The bipartisan infrastructure bill, passed in August 2022, offers billions of dollars for passenger rail. As a result, AAO has been hard at work across the state to garner support. Right now, AAO’s advocacy has helped spur five important groups to hop aboard and push for the 3C&D:

  • Coalition of Ohio Municipal Leaders

  • Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency

  • Richland County Regional Planning Commission

  • Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission

  • Toledo Metropolitan area Council of Governments

Mayors from big and small cities along with the state’s foremost transportation planning agencies agree: a connected system of intercity passenger trains is critical to the economic future of the Buckeye State.

We have more to do.

We need to throttle up our advocacy immediately because the application window is closing. One way to help us do that is through Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday began in 2012 simply as a day for people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a global movement that inspires people to give to the causes they care about. Last year, 35 million people in the USA participated. This year, Giving Tuesday falls on November 29, 2022.

All Aboard Ohio will participate in Giving Tuesday this year with a theme of “Ticket to Ride.” Watch your email and social media for more news about our campaign, our goal, and ways you can contribute. Send $10, $100, or more – whatever is meaningful to you – and we will reach our goal.

We are embarking on a journey toward viable passenger rail in Ohio. With your help on Giving Tuesday, we’ll all get a ticket to ride.



Hi! Just a moment:

All Aboard Ohio is a well known source for transit advocacy and updates. Financial support helps us do what we do. If you can - a donation helps us a lot.


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All Aboard Ohio is a 501c-3 nonprofit with over 50 years of advocacy work, advocating for improved public transportation and passenger rail service in the Midwest

Cleveland Tower Photo by cmh2315fl on Flickr (CC)

©2024 by All Aboard Ohio

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3136 Kingsdale Center, 

#112 Columbus, OH 43221

Federal Tax ID: 31-1066182

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