FRA Corridor ID Program
After months of anticipation, All Aboard Ohio is thrilled to announce the award of four Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) planning grants to advance the revival and expansion of intercity passenger rail service to better connect our cities to the rest of the nation.
The rail corridors receiving grants are:
• Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati (3C+D)
• Cleveland-Toledo-Detroit
• Chicago-Fort Wayne-Lima-Columbus-Pittsburgh (Midwest Connect Corridor)
• Increased frequency for the Daily Cardinal
The planning grants are the first of three grant phases to determine the feasibility, environmental impacts, engineering needs, and construction of these corridors for either new service or expansion of service within an existing Amtrak corridor. The planning phase is entirely funded by the FRA.
Thank you to all of our members and supporters who have worked tirelessly alongside us and the MPOs around the state to make this happen!
About the Corridor ID Program
On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which requires the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to establish a Corridor Identification and Development program to facilitate the development of intercity passenger rail corridors. In compliance with this directive, the FRA established the Corridor Identification and Development program.
The Corridor ID Program establishes a comprehensive intercity passenger rail planning framework that will help guide future federal project development work and capital investments. FRA encourages eligible entities to submit expressions of interest in the Corridor ID Program consistent with the directions below. In addition, as described below, FRA plans to publish a notice soliciting proposals by eligible entities to participate in the Corridor ID Program in the last quarter of this calendar year.
Learn more about the opportunities that exist for the state of Ohio, see where we stand currently, and learn more about the FRA program and processes by downloading this PDF presentation.
Click on the links below to find out more about the Corridor ID program in these specific areas:
Federal Railroad Administration
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission