3C+D Economic Impact Study
A detailed and conservative economic impact study of starting up passenger rail service between Ohio’s four largest metro areas will contribute $106 million to $107 million to gross state product. After the initial investment, the corridor will continue to contribute $25 million to $47 million to gross state product per year from the economic impact of ridership. The All Aboard Ohio-initiated study, done by Columbus-based Scioto Analysis made possible thanks to a grant from the Blanca Hambleton Van Buskirk Fund at The Columbus Foundation, also indicates significant, projected job and tax revenue benefits, if the State of Ohio advances its plans to revive passenger rail service between Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, and several other communities along the route. Ohio is currently waiting on word from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on passenger rail corridor planning grant applications as a first step in expanding intercity connections on a half-dozen Ohio corridors. The 3C&D Corridor is among them. "Just the investment to get this line started will have as much economic impact as all the passengers and cargo moved by ship, barge, and boat on Ohio's rivers and Lake Erie over an entire year,” says Scioto Analysis Principal Rob Moore. The Scioto Analysis study reveals more investment benefits along the 3C&D Corridor: Investment in the 3C+D corridor will create 1,100 to 1,200 jobs, most in the construction industry. Revenue generated from the nine stations due to ridership will support 170 to 320 jobs every year, primarily in the transportation and warehousing industry but also in a range of other industries. Initial investment will generate $64 million to $66 million in new wages for workers across the country, which will raise $3.5 million to $3.7 million in state and local tax revenue. Ongoing ridership will generate $11 million to $21 million in new wages per year, which will lead to $600,000 to $1.2 million in annual tax revenue. These results have also been localized to the four major Metro areas, and include the communities of Crestline, Delaware, Springfield, and Sharonville. The City of Hamilton is also a possible station stop and would be included in the Cincinnati MSA if it is ultimately chosen.

Study Highlights
Learn more about the potential economic impact for metro areas along the 3C+D corridor by downloading this PDF presentation and Fact Sheet.
Whistle Stop Tour
Click here to download the presentation.
Click here for an audio file of the Dayton Whistle Stop
Economic Impact Study
Download the full study here.