Transportation access is an essential part of connecting Ohioans to education, jobs, medical care, childcare, and to each other. The ability to travel freely throughout the state impacts our ability to prosper as towns, cities, and a state as a whole. It affects our ability to connect with people and resources beyond our borders.
There are overwhelming facts backing up the need for expanded passenger rail within our state. These include significant economic and environmental benefits, highlights of which can be found here.
The 2020 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act offers Ohio the opportunity to receive billions of dollars in infrastructure investment. We urge you, our elected officials, to take action to move this issue forward within the Ohio General Assembly, culminating with formally asking the Federal Railroad Administration to include Ohio in their funding program.
A plan for a prosperous future must include a public transit system that can offer connectivity for all Ohioans. I ask that my name be added to support our state's expanded passenger rail.